Friday, July 4, 2014

Five for Friday/***4th of July***

*****!!!Happy Fourth of July!!!*****

Link up time with Doodle Bugs Teaching

{1}  Easy Independence Day Refreshments
I'm dreaming of making something fresh and light today.  These are some ideas I found on Pinterest:

{2}  Summer Chalkboard Art
I've had this vintage chalkboard since I was a child...a very, very long time ago.  Who would have known that I would enjoy playing with it decades later!

{...and bare feet too!}

{3}   Paddle Boarding
A colleague and I went out for a little paddle boarding early yesterday morning.  I cherished the time and it was beautiful out.

{4}   Thrift Store Crafting
Summer gives me more time to hunt the thrift stores for vintage plates and candle holders. With a little E6000 glue, and a few minutes, I have a special plate for someone special.  At Christmas time I load these with chocolate truffles from Whole Foods, add a few festive touches and wa-lah, I have a pretty gift for my parent volunteers. Here is a tutorial. 

{5}   School Pride
So proud of my school...We are healthy Stingrays!  Click here to find out why.
*******Have a sparkling 4th!*******


  1. Love your pinterest 4th of July photos. I'm going to a pool party this afternoon and have to make something. Better get myself in gear. Your chalkboard writing is gorgeous. Hope do you get it to look so nice? I have nice handwriting, but not sure about using chalk. Happy 4th!

    1. Sherrie, Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments. If you have nice handwriting, you are most of the way there! A steady hand is a must. After I figure out what I want to say, I start with Pinterest, of course! Looking at various designs from the pros, I choose a variety of fonts and other components (borders, swirls etc.) that I like. Then, I sketch a design on paper. After that, it's just time, and patience, and baby wipes! On this one I did use a ruler to get the block letters straight. I hope that helps.
      Enjoy your pool party and have a sparkling 4th!!!

  2. Those pinterest treats look so great, I wish I had seen them earlier! Those are great chalkboard tips, I need all the help I can get.
