Monday, December 9, 2013

All I Want for Christmas...

A Link Up!
It seems as though I'm twice the age of most of the teacher bloggers out there.  I'm not complaining (okay, maybe a little), but I sometimes I feel like I need to be getting rid of things, not accumulating more!  I will admit that those Kerri boots that Amy posted at Step Into Second Grade are adorbs.  Still, I have a very short list of one material thing, and it's consumable.  Are you ready?... GLUE STICKS!!!  Really can we ever have enough???  Not in my classroom!  If any parents are reading... I've been good this year:)

Now for the non-material wish list.  I am wishing for lots of peace, harmony, love and a little magic for all of my kinders.  Oh, and I hope they enjoy my gift to them...this old school reindeer candy cane (because I love handmade),
which will be attached to a book, wrapped in a word search.  Hop over HERE for the tutorial on the word search wrapping paper.
Happy shopping!


  1. I'm totally stealing the word search idea - brilliant!
    I'm with you...every year I'm looking at what I can downsize and simplify in order to enjoy life more!
    Happy Holidays,
