Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eggs in the Basket/Five for Friday

        Thanks for the linky Casey!

Today I would like to share ways to work on discovering combinations that make 5 through 20, aka decomposing 5-20. This works for K-2 common core standards K.OA.A.3, 1.OA.A.1, 2.OA.B.2 and uses some inexpensive, fun manipulatives for spring!

{1} Jelly beans and portion cups, styrofoam cups, sample cups, or whatever you have handy
Count out a set number of jelly beans (10 in this case), separate them in and out of the cup, then record findings. You can find the printables HERE.

{2} Dollar Tree
These were Dollar Tree finds. The blue and pink cups are ice cream cups from the party section. They are 8 for $1. I love the little green one because it has a handle and resembles a basket! It's from the baby shower section and is also 8 for $1. Here it is with the jelly beans.

OR... {3} Make a basket with a pipe cleaner

{4} My Favorite
No more lost eggs (if the bag stays zipped:))! This is a cool method because students get some extra practice with fine motor skills. They push the "eggs" around in the sealed bag, putting some in the basket and pushing some out. 
I drew the baskets on ahead of time. Older students could do this part if you trust them with permanent markers:)

{5} Eggs in the Basket Printables
If you would like all of the printables for all combinations of 5-20, hop on over to pick up this product HERE for just $3.

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