Friday, November 22, 2013

Five for Friday and Time for a Staycation Vacation

Phew!!! ... made it through the week, the month, report cards, and the first trimester.  Today was an especially fun day with beading, baking, creating, game playing, and eating!  I am so thankful for the five wonderful parent volunteers who devoted their time today so that we could do all of that!
 {1}  Today we put our macaroni beads to good use by making Native American necklaces and making patterns.  Click HERE for the tutorial on how to dye the macaroni.

{2}  Earlier in the week we discussed 2 dimensional patterning and did this oldie but goodie activity with our geoboards.

{3}  We practiced more 2 dimensional patterning by weaving Thanksgiving placemats.

{4}  We counted and graphed with this fun Thanksgiving activity by Fantastic First Grade Froggies.  You can find it HERE, and last but not least...

{5}  ... we enjoyed Deanna Jump's really cool Thanksgiving ordinal number/logic activity.  You can find it HERE.

I hope that you are on vacation now too:)


  1. I was weaving some similar mats as you... and I say it every year... I have a love/hate relationship with them! I really do. I am on vacation too...enjoy your time off!!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. Yipee for vacation time! I am just getting my week started as well. That Thanksgiving graph is a super cute idea. Thanks for sharing.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. I like all of these! The weaving is especially cool! I would like to do the Thanksgiving graph too. thank you, Paula @
